West Shore, Llandudno
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find answers to some of the questions we most often get asked about by parents who are looking to join Kiddies Corner Day Nursery. If you have another question that we can’t answer here, please feel free to contact us on the form below.
How Much Will I Have to Pay?
At Kiddies Corner, we don’t believe that excellent childcare should come cheap. We pride ourselves on paying our highly trained staff the Real Living Wage and we make sure our pricing is fair to reflect that. As the highest rated nursery in the area, we believe the work we do outweighs the cost.
How much you have to pay will vary from depending on your needs and situation. You can find out more on our Prices page.
Most people are eligible for some kind of funding or assistance if they are working for over 16 hours. Our prices range between £39 – £79 per session.
If you would like someone to talk you through payment options, please book a 15-minute call with us here.
What Does the Price Include?
Our sessions include enhanced social, play and development experiences for the children led by experienced qualified staff.
We include a free subscription to our app so you can read about your child’s day, see photos, read reports and see how they develop during their time with us.
We include all breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and snacks that are prepared to comply with the tiny tums framework. These meals provide a variety of different foods to create a varied experience for the children.
Nappies, Wipes and anything else your child will need for a good day at Kiddies Corner is all included in the price.
I am not happy with my current childcare provider, can my child come to Kiddies Corner?
Many Childcare providers have clauses in place to keep you with them. This is a practice Kiddies Corner is against. You will need to speak to your current provider to see if you can get out of your contract. In the mean time if you would like to come and visit please book a 15-minute call with us here. or book a look around at the top of the page.
Do You Accept Childcare Vouchers or Funded Places?
Yes we accept most forms of funding. To find out if you may be eligible, please book a 15-minute call with us here.
Are There Any Extra or Hidden Fees?
Kiddies Corner believes in Fair Pricing. We do not charge any joining fees, we do not charge any annual administrative fees, we do not charge you if you need to stop bringing your child to Kiddies Corner providing we are given 4 weeks notice.
We have enough people who want us to look after their children that we don’t need to tie customers in with expensive contracts and thanks to our flexible contracts, our spaces fill up quickly!
Ok, Ok, Kiddies Corner sound AMAZING! How do I Register?
Registration is easy! Just complete the online form found here! Once we receive your details we will give you a call to discuss start dates 🙂
Contact Us
LL30 2EZ
03335 677716
Monday – Friday (including Bank holidays)
7:30 am to 6 pm
(We take Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day off!)
Admission Inquiry
Book a Look Around at Kiddies Corner
The best way to find out about our nurseries is to take a look around! Our management team can show you around the nursery, giving you a chance to meet the people who will care for your child and ask any questions you may have.
Find Kiddies Corner